Windows + Linux 

Baudrate-Aliaser for
Windows® and Linux

Need a higher or unusual bit rate?

Your application doesn't support higher bit rates or you need a not selectable and unusual bit rate to communicate properly with a connected device. Both cases are addressed by a special FTDI® feature called 'Aliasing Baud Rates'.

For this you normally have to change the standardized bit rate dividers in the registry or an INI file which is very error-prone and only works for Windows®.

IFTOOLS offers you a free tool that not only makes this very easy but also works for Linux - the IFTOOLS Baudrate-Aliaser.

How does it work?

With one word - simple!

On Windows® start the program (a single executable) as admin and select the COM port for which you want to assign a new bit rate.

The Windows version allows you to replace any standard bit rate with an individual one - separately for every converter.

On Linux unpack the tar archive and execute the start script. Linux user are limited to replace only the internal 38400 but which is more than sufficient. And creating an udev rule the Linux variant too makes the changes persistent for any converter with a FTDI chip.


Something more...

Query serial port information

How many serial ports are available in your system? Which are free or currently in use? What COM port is assigned to a certain one and what driver or driver version is used?

All these information are somethere queryable in your system. But it's cumbersome and time-consuming to get them. And all the more to search them for something.

The IFTOOLS comand line tool serialinfo shows you not only all information about the installed or plugged-in serial ports (name, COM port, driver, state, ...). You can also narrow down the output by various criteria - and format the output to build port selection lists in your scripts or program.

Input serialinfo -h for help